Tuesday 6 September 2011

Noah And The Whale

Noah And The Whale

This is a close-up shot of a juke box. Having a shot of the juke box gives the viewers an insight to where the location held which is typically a bar/pub. Another reason for screen grabbing this shot is because i really liked the lighting and contrast created.  

This is a medium shot, although looking boring and simple half a second after flashing lights are behind them and a girl is dancing, looking drunk and unstable, this adds a storyline to the music video. I also like the way the director has created a symetrical frame having both artists sitting in suits looking very similar and the dim lighting enhances this. 

A blurry effect is used, i think this may be because it makes her not look like one of the band but just a character band members video. She is wearing a red tight, sexy dress, her hair is blond and curled and very much resembles Marilyn Monroe. This makes me think they have picked this actress and styled her to look like the famous icon because of the like '.. she's a rock and roll surviver..' in the song. Because of having the black background, attention is drawn the girl in this shot.

This medium shot is repeated throughout the music video with different members of the band each time. They are all dressed smartly in suits and by looking at other videos of theirs, it seems like it is their signature style. The viewers attention is drawn to the man in the middle as he is under some sort of light. 

The light is one the lead singer, this draws the viewers attention to him, his appearance is smart and the black jumper he is wearing blends in with the background. His hair looks like it is in the style of the very famous singer Elvis Presley, this may relate again the '..rock and roll surviver..' lyrics. I also like the rustic american looking location.

Here you can see is another shot of the lead singer, having the camera at a low point makes him seem superior and important. He is holding a guitar which goes with the genre of the band which is indie folk. The location again is in a pub, the cheap tinsel coming down and the fairy lights gives a more original location than the typical modern locations in the current music videos at the moment.  

This is the first shot of the band all together, here you can see they are on stage playing to a very small crowd. There is very little lighting which makes it difficult to see any detail in the shot. 

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