Wednesday 14 September 2011

Pixie Lott- All About Tonight

Pixie Lott- All About Tonight

This is a close up shot, i think it works well as it introduces the viewers to the artist, and because of her fame people will recognise her straight away. The composition of this shot only contains the artists face and hands, she is wearing make-up, her eyes are very smokey and she has lipgloss on, this goes with the song title "all about tonight" as it is the type of makeup she would wear on a night out. The shot is very detailed and the lighting is very bright, you can see her seductive look which draws attention to the male audience.

Two scenes have been have been merged together by a editing technique, the close up shot of Pixie Lott and the shot of the destination is a long shot so you can see the detail and try and work out where the location is. 

To show the full location/scene a long shot is used here, this also allows the viewers to see the many dancers, the artist and the various props. Costumes are up-to-date and glamorous, and of what i can tell i believe the location is in a garage.

This is a medium shot, the composition again shows Pixie Lott stood in the middle of the many dancers which draws the viewers attention to her. I like how the location is in the middle of the street, and the dancers are all dancing in sync. Pixie Lott is wearing a more revealing outfit compared with the previous shots, this may draw more male attention to the video.

This is a medium shot of Pixie and her friends walking into a club. The colouring is quite dark however the bright light shadowing over the artist brightens it up. Pixie is in a different outfit again, her hair is also shorter. A light is shinning on her face which makes her contrast against the dark background, therefore standing out to get the viewers attention.  

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