Wednesday 14 September 2011

Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts

Christina Perri- Jar of Hearts

 I like this close up shot as you can see the dark confused expression on the subjects face, she stands out against the dark background. 

I really like this animation, it starts with a black dot over the place of her heart and gets bigger until you can see a jar.

A smoke machine would have been used to create this misty, smokey effect. This medium shot although misty and unclear you can see the street location.

This is a strong medium shot, she is passionately claws the glass. I like how a there a blurry effect from the glass.

Because of the lighting and the plain white background a silhouette if the subjects under the umbrella is created. This is a medium shot.
The dancers are dancing in-sync with each other, this makes christina perri stand out as she is the only one not moving in this medium shot. The location is still the same (in the street) and the outfits of christina and the dancers are punk which doesn't quite go with the song but with the personal style of the Christina Perri.

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