Friday 8 July 2011

Rihanna 'Whats My Name'

Rihanna 'Whats My Name'

I find this establishing shot interesting because the audience can see that the location and scenery continues out of the shot frame, yet it still focuses on a certain building. its a location shot as it allows the audience to become familiar where the shooting is taking place and helps to portray the genre of the video. 

This depth of field shot is really effective as the foreground isnt in focus so your attention is on the figure. The mixture of colours are exsotic. 

This is a behind the shoulder shot, this works well as you can see a clear view of Rihanna and the location but can still see the man figure. Rihanna is wearing a unique and high fashion outfit, this goes with the R&B genre of the song. 

This is a close up shot, the background isn't in focus this draws the viewers attention to Rihanna who is in focus. Her vibrant red her stands out in contrast with the blurry background. 

Another close-up shot is used here, the boy holds her hand showing history between them both. 

A shot of milk dropping onto the floor, opening and spilling gives a more dramatic effect. 

She is dancing through the street here, the choreography is fun and effective. 

I love the light in this shot, the red colour makes this shot stand out. The medium/long shot introduces the audience to the band playing around. 

I like the many different locations in this video, this is one of the last and i think it works as the green tissue paper makes the shot with rihanna more colourful, fun and interesting. 

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