Thursday 7 July 2011

Alesha Dixon 'Breathe Slow'

Alesha Dixon 'Breathe Slow'

I have research this video as i like the shots wear she is dancing in the dance studio. I would like to include this in my own video. The black and white effect i think makes the video effective and am considering in using this effect in my video. 

The video starts with a medium/long shot, this works because it shows the location. I like the black and white effect which makes the video different, and works with the narrative and locations in the video.

It is then followed by a close up shot of what is clear to be main character.  

This next shot shows a different location, a dance studio. The simple background makes the figure stand out. Her costume is simple, vest and shorts. 

A close up shot is used here. 

Another close up shot is used here

I like the way she is looking directly at the camera in this shot, she is dancing in tune with the music which makes in look really effective. 
A close up shot is yet again used, she is at a different location in a different costume. 

The reflection in the mirror is effective.

This diner scene is simple but effective
This shot of her taking of her ring and placing it on the counter. This adds narrative to the video.

This is a close up shot of a ring, depth of field is used here. 

There is a change of location, she is walking through broad way street.  

This close up shot of her feet walking for behind. 

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